I'm Steve

Mastering the craft of building single-family homes has been, and is, the joy of my life. 45 years as a licensed contractor in San Diego, building hundreds of homes and countless remodels, it was the passion for carpentry, building, structural engineering, and the feeling I have when a family gets to step into a dream, realized, and begin their new journey.

A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it.

– George Moore

Hello! If you’ve found your way here, it’s probably because of someone amazing that I’ve had the joy of working with. If you click below, and fill out the 2 min questionnaire, you’ll be top of my list.












If You're Here, It's Probably Because Of Someone Amazing, fill out this quick form and either myself, or one of my daughters, will reach out personally.

If You're Here, It's Probably Because Of Someone Amazing


Hey, it’s Steve. I’m glad you’re here, and I’ll be grateful to know who sent you so I can extend my gratitude. It’s a pleasure working with referrals, please excuse my “under construction” website and either click the button below, or scroll down and there will be a quick 2 min questionairre that will let me know what I need to know.

Either myself, or one of my daughters, will respond back and let you know we got your message within the day. Look forward to connecting.
